2012 高雄國際鋼雕藝術節 Kaohsiung International Steel & Iron Sculpture Festival

「全民大戀鋼」 Love, Steel



Date: 2012/12/18-2013/1/20
Site: Penglai Warehouse at the Pier-2 Art Center
Organizer: Bureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung City Government, Tung Ho Steel Foundation
Curator: Po-Chun Liu
Osamu Kido(Japan), Keizo Tawa(Japan), Jae Hyo Lee(Korea), Dung Hun Sung(Korea), Zhan Wang(China), Chen-Ping Dawn(Taiwan), Jen-Hung Liang(Taiwan), Hsi-Te Sung(Taiwan), Yao-Sheng Lee(Taiwan), Nai-Wen Chang(Taiwan), Hung-Nan Cheng(Taiwan), Yu-Sheng Chen(Taiwan), Kun-Lin Tsai(Taiwan), Ta-Hsien Jen(Taiwan), Yi-Chang Chen(Taiwan), Chih-Yun Lu(Taiwan)

Kaohsiung International Steel and Iron Sculpture Festival is a biennial cultural event that showcases Kaohsiung’s iron and steel industry in the form of art. Since its inception in 2002, iron and steel have been transformed into sculptures. The theme of 2012 was “Love, Steel,” The onsite workshop has been so widely popular amongst the public over the years that it was expanded to host more artists this year. Sixteen top Asian sculptors and local upcoming artists came together to work at Penglai Warehouse at the Pier-2 Art Center. After the works were completed, they were installed on the grass field next to the Penglai Warehouse where the century old Kaohsiung railway tracks once operated. The spectators are presented with the magnificent artworks and the beautiful surroundings of “Love, Steel” in this historical setting.

2012 高雄國際鋼雕藝術節 Kaohsiung International Steel & Iron Sculpture Festival