莊普 Tsong Pu

1947年 生於上海

2019年 榮獲國家文藝獎

2023年 於國立臺灣美術館舉辦個人回顧展







About the Artist

1947  Born in Shanghai.

2019  Received the National Award for Arts

2023  Held a solo exhibition at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

Tsong Pu’s art utilizes the minimalist form to express criticism of social inequality while exuding the poetic quality of Eastern philosophy and local culture. His works have been exhibited and collected by major museums and galleries both domestically and internationally, solidifying his status as one of the representative figures in the contemporary art scene of Taiwan.


Artist's Statement

Ning Shi Ling Shan

Tsong Pu’s use of scrap steel as his creative medium not only establishes a link to and opens up dialogues concerning the creative ingenuity behind contemporary sculpture; it also uncovers a potential connection between art and consumer society, material things and nature, which can be further expanded into a complex interpretation of the relation between industrial materials and the natural world. Ores extracted from nature are industrially processed into various products, and, after experiencing deterioration and rebirth, they emerge as a type of “artificial nature.” Tsong liberates the material from their inherent form, exemplifying not only the beauty of the material themselves, but also highlighting their subtle and profound connections with the global industrial environment, and even with nature as a whole.