宋璽德 Hsi-Te Sung


1999  日本國立東京藝術大學美術研究科 博士畢業
         日本AIM金屬加工株事會社 研修至2001年
現任   國立臺灣藝術大學雕塑學系專任副教授


「動力」、「風力」、「水力」、「磁力」、「光」等非物質性要素是我的創作核心,存在於我們生活周遭的「能量」一直是我關注的重點,我大多利用不鏽鋼鏡面材質表現雕塑並且透過材質、造形與環境的關係表現「能量」的趣味性。2012 年受邀參加東和鋼鐵及高雄文化局共同主辦的鋼雕藝術創作營,開啟個人的第一件鋼鐵雕塑。此次創作我利用高溫穿透鋼鐵,有如火山岩漿擠壓地表形成自然界的紋理。我觀察已切割完成的鋼板造型與紋理,以素材的特性為思考中心完成作品。在切割鋼材的作業中,深化我對鐵的認識與溝通,也重新思考「能量」與「雕塑」之間的關係與定位。


About the Artist

The relationship between human and environment, field is often considered by Hsi-Te Sung. By using non-matter elements such as light, power, and magnetic force, constructing multiple and various possibilities. He explored the existence of essence on the basis of Oriental thinking. Whether sense of matters or spirit of minds, all of them are installed in the world of steel and stainless steel.

1999   PhD. The Graduate School of Fine Arts from Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan
Studied stainless steel production at Japan’s AIM Corp, Japan
Current Associate Professor, Department of Sculpture, National Taiwan University of Arts

Artist's Statement

Non-matter elements such as power, wind power, water power and magnetic force, and lights have been the essence of my creation. The “energy” in the living environment has always been my observation subject. I usually employ mirror-finished stainless steel to make sculptures and draw support from the relation between materials, forms and the environment to display interest of “energy.” In 2012, I was invited to create for Kaohsiung International Steel and Iron Sculpture Festival co-sponsored by Tung Ho Steel Corp. and Bureau of Cultural Affairs of Kaohsiung City Government, and then created my first work of steel. This time I utilized high temperature to penetrate the steel, displaying the natural texture like the traces left by the lava extruding the surface of the earth. The concepts of the finished works centered on the natures of the materials based on my observation on the shapes and the textures of the cut steel plates. Cutting steel materials has enriched my knowledge of iron and my dialogue with iron, rethinking and re-orientating the relationship between energy and sculpture.

Hsi-Te Sung: “Energy and Sculpture,” Extraordinary Relation 2.0: The Tung Ho Steel International Artist-in-Residence Program, Tung Ho Steel Foundation, 2015, p.55.
