王文志 Wen-Chih Wang



1988 年,我剛開始從事雕塑創作時曾使用鋼鐵作為材料,但當我進駐東和鋼鐵苗栗廠時,所思考的早已與過去大不相同。我使用地金創作,其表面粗糙且不規則,彷彿能在其中感受到泥土般的溫度。我慢慢地熟悉地金本身的特性,傾聽鋼鐵本質的聲音,利用心靈準確度決定何時停手,也讓地金自己說話,彷彿與地金談了一場生命哲學的戀愛。經由勞動的過程,我發現透過手傳達身心體悟,能創造出另一種精神性。駐廠的這一個月以來,我和廠區的助手們以手工操作方式,面對這些大型材料,讓我對這段群體勞動的經歷感到彌足珍貴。


About the Artist

Wen-Chih Wang was born in 1959 in Chiayi, Taiwan. He graduated from Taipei National University of the Arts, Institute of Fine Arts. He represented Taiwan at the 2001 Venice Biennale of Art and has been behind a number of major public art projects. His art is composed of nature, society and spectators, creating his own unique spatial aesthetics by using the characteristics of bamboo.

Artist's Statement

I had used steel as material before when I first started creating sculptures in 1988; however, when I came to Tung Ho Steel Miaoli Works for the residency program, my thoughts were very different than before. I chose slag as my material. They have rough and irregular surfaces; you can feel the warmth in them, just like soil. I gradually learned the nature of the material, and listened to its inner voice, deciding on when to stop through the precision of spirit and allowing slag to speak its mind. It felt like I had a philosophical love affair with slag.
Through laboring, I learned how to convey my physical and mental realizations through hands, creating a different kind of spirituality. During the month I spent at Miaoli Works, the assistants and I worked with these large materials with our own hands, and it made me savor and treasure this experience even more.

Wen-Chih Wang: “Re-understanding Steel, Redefining Sculpture,” Extraordinary Relation 3.0: The Tung Ho Steel International Artist Residency Program, Tung Ho Steel Foundation, 2016.
